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Production Hive

Natalie Hodgins

There is no denying that the Film and TV Industry is stuck in it's traditional ways, which has limited some progressive and positive change from happening. The best first step towards making these changes is to have conversations, and that is exactly what we have aimed for with this series. 


Over the last couple of months we partnered with the Film and Television jobs board, Production Hive, to find variety of different voices from all over the industry, struggling with sharing their voice and message, and we asked them to speak out and join our conversation on topics ranging from Mental Health & Wellbeing to Diversity & Inclusion. These conversations were shared across our social platforms.


The overall aim was to raise awareness for some of the most important issues surrounding the industry and share resources to those who need them, including links to our contributing forums, charities and helplines.

Branded Content, Diversity, Inclusion, Mental Health, Series, Socials-First, Unscripted

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